
mother's day.

Mother's day was wonderful! Parker helped Ellie write a card to me and put a little paw print on it as her signature. It was so precious! We have a ring of purple in the bathtub and a paw print on the shower curtain, but it was totally worth it.

We spent the morning talking to Parker's brother, Calvin, who is serving an LDS mission in Germany. We went over to his dad's house with his sister, brother-in-law, mom, and stepdad. We had an awesome time there (more to come on that in later posts)! 

I took a nap (the mother of a dog deserves a Mother's Day nap). We had my family over for dinner. It was interesting to rearrange the furniture to accommodate 6 adults and one perfect almost two year old. We made it work, though. We've been a big fan of bringing out camp chairs for seating. We're young. We don't need a ton of real furniture, right? We moved Parker's desk to the end of the table and everyone fit, surprisingly!

So many perfect things happened yesterday. I feel like my faith in Heavenly Father's timing was strengthened and I felt very grateful to be surrounded by family. I am so lucky to live so close to my own mother and follow in her light. She's an amazing woman - selfless, kind, hard working, beautiful, talented, and so many other things. She is a constant in our family. Mom - you rock!

PS: I kept thinking about the Spice Girls song Mamma all day. I was obsessed with that song in 5th grade. My other favorite mom song is Like My Mother Does. I maybe cry every time I listen to it. 

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